1. Left to right - VENTURA (2008/116017grt/IMO 9333175), ARCADIA (2005/83781grt/IMO 9226906), AURORA (2000/76152grt/IMO 9169524) and ORIANA (1995/69153grt/IMO 9050137. Renamed PIANO LAND in 2019) were... Date: 3 July 2012 Image ID 8071
2. VENTURA (2008/116017grt/IMO 9333175) amid the snow flurries, makes her grand entrance into her home port of Southampton today (6 April 2008) as she completes her delivery voyage from the Italian... Date: 6 April 2008 Image ID 4600
3. VENTURA (2008/116017grt/IMO 9333175) departs Southampton, England following P&O Cruises' 175th anniversary celebrations which saw all seven vessels in the fleet in port simultaneously. As the fleet... Date: 3 July 2012 Image ID 8073
4. VENTURA (2008/116017grt/IMO 9333175) - seen here alongside in Lisbon, Portugal. Date: April 2016 Image ID 10424