1. TA'AROA (A50) - a Bermudan cutter built in 1964, racing during the 2010 Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta. Date: 1 February 2010 Image ID 6011
2. TA'AROA (A50) - a Sparkman and Stephens designed Bermudan cutter, aground in Auckland Harbour as passengers and crew attempt to free her and a passing yacht hauls on a tow line. Date: 2003 Image ID 5967
3. TA'AROA (A50) - a Sparkman and Stephens designed Bermudan cutter, ground in Auckland Harbour as passengers and crew attempt to free her. Date: 2003 Image ID 5968
4. TA'AROA (A50) - a Bermudan cutter built in 1964, racing during the 2010 Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta. Date: 1 February 2010 Image ID 6012
5. TA'AROA (A50) - a Bermudan cutter built in 1964, racing during the 2010 Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta. Date: 1 February 2010 Image ID 6013