1. MARITIME NEW ZEALAND (website and newsletter) Date: June 2012 Image ID 8906
2. REBECCA MAY - a trawler based in Whitianga on the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand, seen inbound to Auckland, NZ. She began taking on water and sank off the NZ coast about 90kms from Tauranga on 24... Date: 16 December 2005 Image ID 2785
3. BAY OF PLENTY TIMES (Tauranga) New Zealand.
Date: January 2012 Image ID 7643
4. WAIKATO TIMES, HAMILTON, NEW ZEALAND Date: 25 January 2012 Image ID 7651
5. MARITIME NEW ZEALAND - LOOKOUT ISSUE 25 JUNE 2012 Date: June 2012 Image ID 8074