1. KAIPARA, MAHIA and WILLIAM C. DALDY make their way toward the start line of the 168th Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta tug race. KAIPARA (Total Marine Services): her builder and build date are not... Date: 28 January 2008 Image ID 4399
2. KAIPARA (Total Marine Services): her builder and build date are not known. She is 9 metres in length with a 2-tonne bollard pull.KAITOA (1966) another of the Total Marine Services Ltd fleet of green... Date: 28 January 2008 Image ID 4397
3. KAIPARA (front left) and KAPAI (r) with CHRISTINE MARY and PACIFIC WAY seen together after the running of the second ever Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta tug race.
KAIPARA (Total Marine Services):... Date: 28 January 2008 Image ID 4398
4. KAIPARA leaves the top mark of the course astern and begins the run for the finish line of the 2009 Auckland Anniverary Day Regatta tug race.
KAIPARA is owned and operated by Total Marine Services of... Date: 26 January 2009 Image ID 5125