1. ASKHOLMEN (2009/11551grt/16802dwt/IMO 9436381, ex-HELLESPONT CHARGER) a chemical/oil products tanker, departs Auckland for Melbourne, Australia following her maiden call. She is owned and managed by... Date: 13 May 2017 Image ID 10938
2. ASKHOLMEN (2009/11551grt/16802dwt/IMO 9436381, ex-HELLESPONT CHARGER) a chemical/oil products tanker, departs Auckland for Melbourne, Australia following her maiden call. She is owned and managed by... Date: 13 May 2017 Image ID 10940
3. ASKHOLMEN (2009/11551grt/16802dwt/IMO 9436381, ex-HELLESPONT CHARGER) a chemical/oil products tanker, departs Auckland for Melbourne, Australia following her maiden call. She is owned and managed by... Date: 13 May 2017 Image ID 10948