1. GLADIATOR, WAKA KUME and DALDY at pre-race assembly off the Viaduct Basin. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7515
2. FELICITARE gives GLADIATOR a good hose down during friendly sparring as they parade to the start line. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7530
3. RONAKI built for Auckland Harbour Board (AHB) as MANUKAU sometime between 1911-1916 by Charles Bailey Jnr., leads GLADIATOR to the start line. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7531
4. We're off!!! WILLIAM C. DALDY leads WAIPAPA, PACIFIC WAY (yellow/black) TAMAKI, MAHIA and GLADIATOR (obscured) across the start line. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7540
5. WAIPAPA, DALDY and GLADIATOR (obscured) close on the sterns of MANUKAU and PACIFIC WAY moments after the start gun. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7543
6. HAMAL, DALDY, MAHIA and GLADIATOR line up to port of WILLIAM C. DALDY as the fleet pass North Head and bear down on the first mark of Narrow Neck Beach. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7545
7. GLADIATOR - Originally built in Auckland this steel hulled tug has served her time mainly in the Pacific Islands and is a near sister to Thomson Towing's MANUKAU. Her crew were to later prove their... Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7550
8. GLADIATOR makes her way to the first mark. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7554
9. GLADIATOR makes her way to the first mark. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7556
10. GLADIATOR close astern of WILLIAM C. DALDY makes her way to the first mark. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7558
11. MANUKAU chased closely by GLADIATOR close on the marker buoy at the end of the first leg of the race. DALDY can be seen at left with still a good distance to travel. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7561
12. MANUKAU leads GLADIATOR, MAHIA, WAKA KUME and DALDY (obscured) seconds before rounding the first mark. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7563
13. MANUKAU closely leads GLADIATOR to the first mark as WAKA KUME and DALDY trail astern. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7564
14. GLADIATOR closes out MANUKAU at they reach the first mark of the race. Two of the race's smaller contenders, BONDI BELLE (1898) and SIERRA (1917) begin to mark their mark and close down on their... Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7565
15. GLADIATOR and MANUKAU round the first mark. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7567
16. GLADIATOR surges ahead into lump seas churned up by the leading members of the race fleet. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7569
17. GLADIATOR leads BONDI BELLE (1898) on the way to the second mark before the turn for home. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7570
18. GLADIATOR closes on the stern of WILLIAM C. DALDY (1935) followed by MANUKAU, BONDI BELLE (1898, left) and WAKA KUME. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7572
19. DICK DEADEYE- and on the homeward run the fun began. Crew members aboard GLADIATOR launched an all-out attack on any vessel they came near firing barrages of water-filled balloons at their hapless... Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7581
20. DICK DEADEYE - and on the homeward run the fun began. Crew members aboard GLADIATOR launched an all-out attack on any vessel they came near firing barrages of water-filled balloons at their hapless... Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7582
21. TAMAKI passes GLADIATOR on the run home. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7583
22. TAMAKI and GLADIATOR slug it out on the run home trailed by MAHIA. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7584
23. GLADIATOR and TAMAKI in a toe-to-toe duel on the homeward stretch. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7585
24. GLADIATOR begins to get the upper hand as she slightly stretches away from TAMAKI. MAHIA and WAKA KUME chase hard. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7586
25. GLADIATOR, stretching away from TAMAKI now eyes up WILLIAM C. DALDY for attack as passengers were about to discover when they were pelted with catapult-launched water-filled balloons. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7587
26. It's GLADIATOR's DICK DEADEYE and his weapon again!!! Duck!!! Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7590
27. GLADIATOR comes alongside WILLIAM C. DALDY as we pass No. 13 buoy, and press home their attack. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7591
28. GLADIATOR - the attack continues. Water bombs continue to rain down. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7592
29. GLADIATOR - the attack continues. Water bombs continue to rain down. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7593
30. GLADIATOR - the attack continues. Water bombs continue to rain down but at very close quarters as she edged ever closer. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7594
31. GLADIATOR - the attack subsides, GLADIATOR realising they are running out of searoom as WILLIAM C. DALDY with right-of-way, round No. 15 buoy and head to the finish line. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7595
32. GLADIATOR - bounces off the stern quarter of WILLIAM C. DALDY after running out of searoom when the former rounded No. 15 buoy. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7596
33. GLADIATOR is stopped dead by No 15 buoy. The onslaught is over. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7597
34. GLADIATOR backs off No. 15 buoy to continue the chase. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7598
35. GLADIATOR, no worse for her close encounter with No. 15 buoy, chases William C. Daldy to the line. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7599
36. BONDI BELLE (1898, nearest camera) closes on GLADIATOR as they prepare to round the final mark and head for the finish line of the 2013 tug race. Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8616
37. GLADIATOR - Originally built in Auckland this steel hulled tug has served her time mainly in the Pacific Islands. She is a near sister vessel to Thomson Towing MANUKAU. She is seen here taking part... Date: 26 January 2009 Image ID 5119
38. GLADIATOR, a first-time entrant in the Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta tug racing leads SIERRA (built 1917, centre) and RONAKI (1914) around the top mark of the course. GLADIATOR crossed in 19th... Date: 26 January 2009 Image ID 5120
39. M.V. GLADIATOR - a 17m, 18knot fishing charter boat operated by Skipper Solutions NZ from their Viaduct Harbour base in Auckland. Seen here outbound from the city, two All Black pennants proudly fly... Date: 20 August 2011 Image ID 6940
40. GLADIATOR leads MANUKAU, BONDI BELLE (1898), SIERRA (1917) and WAKA KUME at the first mark. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7568
41. GLADIATOR gives her crew an exciting ride as she leads SIERRA to the second mark. Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7571
42. Passengers aboard WILLIAM C. DALDY at the second mark watch as GLADIATOR surges alongside followed by MANUKAU . Date: 30 January 2012 Image ID 7578
43. GLADIATOR - displaying good water safety.... each and every person wearing lifejackets.... makes for the start line of the 2013 Anniversary Day tug race. Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8590
44. GLADIATOR's "Dick Dead-eye", the man who last year terrorised the passengers aboard the steam tug William C. Daldy with his water/ice-filled balloons during the 2013 Auckland Anniversary Regatta tug... Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8591
45. Tugs, including GLADIATOR (centre), CHRISTINE MARY (right background) and MAHIA await the 9am starting gun for the Anniversary Day Regatta tug race in Auckland. Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8593
46. GLADIATOR and BONDI BELLE (1898) charging down the homeward leg of the Anniversary Day Regatta tug race. Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8612
47. GLADIATOR hot on the heels of MAHIA charge down the homeward leg of the 2013 Auckland Anniversary Regatta tug race. Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8613
48. GLADIATOR, hot on the heels of Thomson Towboats' MAHIA, round No.15 buoy and head for the finish line of the 2013 Auckland Anniversary Regatta tug race. Ahead of them are CHRISTINE MARY (r) and HAMAL... Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8621
49. Passengers aboard the veteran steam tug WILLIAM C. DALDY keep watch and prepare to take avoiding action as they again come under fire from the "marksmen" aboard GLADIATOR. MAHIA (red/black) closes on... Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8622
50. GLADIATOR astern of STRATHALLAN (left) and MAHIA charge for the finish line and home as they round the final mark in the 2013 tug race. Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8623
51. GLADIATOR - for once WILLIAM C. DLADY is not the target of Gladiator's slingshots, the crew of Thomson Towboats' MAHIA coming into the sights for once as the fleet make for the finish line of the 2013... Date: 28 January 2013 Image ID 8624