1. CHODZIEZ (1988/15414grt/IMO 8302301. Renamed DIVIO in 2008) departs Southampton, England on a grey winter day. Date: January 2000 Image ID 2417
2. CHODZIEZ (1988/15414grt/IMO 8302301. Renamed DIVIO) outbound from Southampton, England on a grey winter day. Date: January 2000 Image ID 2418
3. CHODZIEZ (1988/15414grt/IMO 8302301. Renamed DIVIO) outbound from Southampton, England on a grey winter day. Date: January 2000 Image ID 8399
4. CHODZIEZ (1988/15414grt/IMO 8302301. Renamed DIVIO), in The Solent inbound to Southampton, England takes the pilot aboard. Date: January 2000 Image ID 8516