1. BALTHASAR SCHULTE (20012/40542grt/IMO 9477610) sails for Sydney, Australia following her maiden call at Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 24 April 2012 Image ID 7937
2. BALTHASAR SCHULTE (20012/40542grt/IMO 9477610) sails for Sydney, Australia following her maiden call at Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 24 April 2012 Image ID 7938
3. BALTHASAR SCHULTE (20012/40542grt/IMO 9477610) rounding North Head inbound at Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 11 May 2012 Image ID 7981
4. BALTHASAR SCHULTE (20012/40542grt/IMO 9477610) inbound to Auckland passes the outbound SCHELDE TRADER (2003/6704gt/IMO 9264752, ex-MEKONG CHAIYO) off Devonport Wharf. Date: 11 May 2012 Image ID 8021
5. BALTHASAR SCHULTE (20012/40542grt/IMO 9477610) outbound from Auckland en-route to Tauranga. Was shooting this ship when this happens? How dare those ****** Americas Cup yachties get in the way. "TE... Date: 18 September 2019 Image ID 11896
6. BALTHASAR SCHULTE (20012/40542grt/IMO 9477610) outbound from Auckland en-route to Tauranga. Date: 18 September 2019 Image ID 11897