1. SOFRANA SURVILLE (2007/9939grt/IMO 9295529, ex-MONIA. Renamed AVILA) inbound to Auckland, NZ from Tauranga. Date: 28 September 2007 Image ID 4151
2. SOFRANA SURVILLE (2007/9935grt/IMO 9295529, ex-MONIA. Renamed AVILA) sails from Auckland's Freyberg Wharf in late afternoon sunshine, outbound for Brisbane, Australia. Date: 27 October 2008 Image ID 4929
3. SOFRANA SURVILLE (2007/9935grt/IMO 9295529, ex-MONIA. Renamed AVILA) approaching the Auckland pilot station, inbound to Auckland from the port of Tauranga. Date: 11 January 2013 Image ID 8522