1. AUCKLAND SEAPLANES (AOTEAROA TWO, nearest camera) - operate from Auckland Wynyard Wharf and fly to all islands of the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland. Date: 26 November 2015 Image ID 10759
2. AUCKLAND SEAPLANES (AOTEAROA TWO) - operate from Auckland Wynyard Wharf and fly to all islands of the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland. Date: 28 December 2015 Image ID 10761
3. OVATION OF THE SEAS (2016/168666grt/IMO 9697753/348m loa) - the largest ship to ever visit New Zealand sails for Sydney after her maiden call at Auckland. Note the seaplane (Auckland Seaplanes... Date: 27 December 2016 Image ID 10795
4. OVATION OF THE SEAS (2016/168666grt/IMO 9697753/348m loa) - the largest ship to ever visit New Zealand about to sail for Sydney after her maiden call at Auckland. Note the seaplane (Auckland... Date: 27 December 2016 Image ID 10796
5. YACHT EXPRESS (2007/17951grt/12500dwt/IMO 9346029) a heavy load carrier operated by Spliethoff's of Amsterdam, prepares for discharge after arriving in Auckland from Sydney, Australia.
AT left is... Date: 20 January 2016 Image ID 10306