Found 21 images for this category. - page 1, images 1 to 21. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. ASEAN RESTORER (1994/11156grt/IMO 9063275) at the Singapore anchorage. Date: 26 November 2011 Image ID 9723
2. ATLANTIC GUARDIAN (2001/7172grt/IMO 9239355) inbound at Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia. Date: 23 May 2007 Image ID 3975
3. C.S. MONARCH (1975/3795grt/IMO 7341192), Southampton, UK. Date: January 1998 Image ID 272
4. C.S. MONARCH (1975/3795grt/IMO 7341192), Southampton, UK. Date: July 1997 Image ID 273
5. CS MONARCH (1975/3795grt/IMO 7341192) and CS SOVEREIGN (1991/11242grt/IMO 8918629), Southampton, UK. Date: July 1997 Image ID 274
6. CS SOVEREIGN (1991/11242grt/IMO 8918629), Southampton, UK. Date: July 1997 Image ID 275
7. CABLE INNOVATOR (1995/14277grt/IMO 9101132), outbound Southampton, UK. Date: August 1997 Image ID 276
8. ILE DE RE (1982/14091grt/IMO 8200278, ex-PREROW, GLEICHBERG, CITY OF DUBLIN) makes a rare and extended visit to Auckland, NZ. Date: 25 April 2007 Image ID 3926
9. ILE DE RE (1982/14091grt/IMO 8200278, ex-PREROW, GLEICHBERG, CITY OF DUBLIN) outbound from Auckland, NZ bound for Noumea, New Caledonia. Date: 4 June 2007 Image ID 3996
10. ISLAND COMMODORE (1995/12330grt/IMO 9100748). Renamed WAVE SENTINEL in 2000 after undergoing conversion into a cable layer. She is seen here outbound from Portsmouth prior to conversion. Date: January 2000 Image ID 2478
11. ISLAND COMMODORE (1995/12330grt/IMO 9100748. Renamed WAVE SENTINEL) seen outbound from Portsmouth before undergoing conversion to a cable laying ship in 2000. Date: January 2000 Image ID 2479
12. MAERSK RESPONDER (2000/6204grt/IMO 9215206. Renamed RESPONDER) outbound from Melbourne, Australia. Date: 5 June 2009 Image ID 5412
13. PACIFIC GUARDIAN (1984/6133grt/IMO 8222941), Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 2001 Image ID 277
14. PACIFIC GUARDIAN (1984/6133grt/IMO 8222941), Auckland, New Zealand. Date: June 2003 Image ID 278
15. PACIFIC HORIZON (1964/1792grt/IMO 6413807, ex-SUBSEA 1, NORTHSEA HUNTER, ERICH OLLENHAUER) berthed at Southampton. In 2014 she is registered as PACIFIC HORIZON in the St. Vincent as a research and... Date: 1999 Image ID 2122
16. RADIANCE OF THE SEAS (2001/90090gt/IMO 9195195) eases away from her Wynyard Wharf berth in Auckland at the end of her maiden call. Outbound to Sydney, Australia she dwarfed the French-flagged cable... Date: 12 October 2011 Image ID 7083
17. REBECCA (2008/3342gt/5622dwt/IMO 9361108/ ex-Crs REBECCA, FLINTERREBECCA) a Dutch-owned cable recovery vessel, leaves Auckland bound to undertake cable operations NE of New Zealand. She is operated... Date: 24 April 2024 Image ID 13506
18. REBECCA (2008/3342gt/5622dwt/IMO 9361108/ ex-Crs REBECCA, FLINTERREBECCA) a Dutch-owned cable recovery vessel, leaves Auckland bound to undertake cable operations NE of New Zealand. She is operated... Date: 24 April 2024 Image ID 13507
19. RESPONDER (2001/12184grt/10144dwt/IMO 9236509, ex-TYCO RESPONDER) - berths at Auckland's Wynyard Wharf for bunkering.
She is currently in NZ waters laying 15000kms of a $500m telecommunications cable... Date: 20 January 2018 Image ID 11145
20. RESPONDER (2001/12184grt/10144dwt/IMO 9236509, ex-TYCO RESPONDER) - outbound from Auckland's Wynyard Wharf following bunkering operations.
She is currently in NZ waters laying 15000kms of a $500m... Date: 21 January 2018 Image ID 11146
21. RESPONDER (2001/12184grt/10144dwt/IMO 9236509, ex-TYCO RESPONDER) - outbound from Auckland's Wynyard Wharf following bunkering operations.
She is currently in NZ waters laying 15000kms of a $500m... Date: 21 January 2018 Image ID 11147