201. Federal SUFFOLK approaching the Culebra Cut on the Panama Canal, homeward bound from Bluff, New Zealand. SUFFOLK was built 1939, 11,145 tons gross, Official No. 167330, and scrapped in 1969. Date: 13 May 1963 Image ID 7186
202. SUFFOLK (1939/11,145grt/ ON 167330) and AUSTRALIA STAR (1935/11,124grt/ON 163215) at the breakwater harbour at Napier, NZ. Date: 22 February 1963 Image ID 3454
203. DUNEDIN STAR (1950/ 7,322grt/ ON 184273) and NORFOLK (1936/11,080grt/ON 165362) and TEMPLE MAIN (1958/8,005grt/ON 187760 at the breakwater harbour at Napier, NZ.
NORFOLK was built as ESSEX, renamed... Date: 8 July 1962 Image ID 9070