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1. YM KEELUNG (2009/40030grt/50500dwt/IMO 9450595) off Sorrento, outbound from melbourne, Australia. She is owned and managed by Univan Ship Management Ltd of Hong Kong. Date: 3 August 2014 Image ID 9784
2. SYNERGY KEELUNG (2009/40030grt/50500dwt/4253TEU/IMO 9450595, ex-YM KEELUNG) inbound to Auckland from Long Beach, California. Owned and managed by Eurobulk Ltd of Athens, Greece. Date: 20 January 2020 Image ID 11948
3. SYNERGY KEELUNG (2009/40030grt/50500dwt/4253TEU/IMO 9450595, ex-YM KEELUNG) inbound to Auckland from Long Beach, California. Owned and managed by Eurobulk Ltd of Athens, Greece. Date: 20 January 2020 Image ID 11949