Found 4 images - page 1, images 1 to 4. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. TARONGA (1996/54826grt/72708grt post conversion/IMO 9121273. Renamed ENDURANCE in 2006) follows the container ship XIN HUI HE (1996/12250grt/IMO 9141182) both outbound from Auckland, New Zealand.... Date: 2002 Image ID 2591
2. TARONGA (1996/54826grt/72708grt post-conversion/IMO 9121273. Renamed ENDURANCE in 2006) sailing from Auckland, New Zealand before the enclosure of her upper decks. Date: 2002 Image ID 2597
3. TARONGA (1996/54826grt/72708grt post-conversion/IMO 9121273. Renamed ENDURANCE in 2006), Auckland, NZ following the enclosure of her upper decks. Date: 10 November 2004 Image ID 2593
4. TARONGA (1996/54826grt/72708grt post-conversion/IMO 9121273. Renamed ENDURANCE in 2006) seen berthing in Auckland, NZ following the enclosure of her upper decks. Date: 10 November 2004 Image ID 2594