Found 11 images - page 1, images 1 to 11. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. DELPHIN RENAISSANCE (2000/30277grt/IMO 9210218, ex-R SEVEN. Renamed BLUE MOON, then AZAMARA QUEST) with a backdrop of the cones of volcanic Rangitoto Island, approaching Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 12 March 2005 Image ID 1365
2. DELPHIN RENAISSANCE (2000/30277grt/IMO 9210218, ex-R SEVEN. Renamed BLUE MOON then AZAMARA QUEST), maiden call at Auckland, NZ. Date: 12 March 2005 Image ID 1366
3. DELPHIN RENAISSANCE (2000/30277grt/IMO 9210218, ex-R SEVEN. Renamed BLUE MOON then AZAMARA QUEST) berthing in Auckland, NZ on her maiden call to the port as the Fuller catamaran ferry QUICKCAT (1987)... Date: 12 March 2005 Image ID 1370
4. DELPHIN RENAISSANCE (2000/30277grt/IMO 9210218, ex-R SEVEN. Renamed BLUE MOON then AZAMARA QUEST) - Delphin Seereisen GmbH funnel livery. Date: 12 March 2005 Image ID 1368
5. QUICKCAT (1987) - operated by Fuller Ferries, approaches the downtown ferry terminal in Auckland, New Zealand as the cruiseship DELPHIN RENAISSANCE (2000/30277grt/IMO 9210218, ex-R SEVEN. Renamed BLUE... Date: 12 March 2005 Image ID 1369
6. ANATOKI (1994/171gt/447dwt/IMO 8864153, ex- KAIJIN MARU No.18, BAHANA NUSANTARA, BLUE MOON) - the diminutive general cargo ship which plies the NZ coast arrives in Auckland. Date: 1 December 2010 Image ID 6585
7. ANATOKI (1994/171gt/447dwt/IMO 8864153, KAIJIN MARU No. 18, BAHANA NUSANTARA, BLUE MOON) - the diminutive general cargo ship which plies the NZ coast is passed by the Fullers commuter ferry QUICKCAT... Date: 1 December 2010 Image ID 6586
8. AZAMARA QUEST (2000/30277gt/2700dwt/IMO 9210218. Ex-BLUE MOON, DELPHIN RENAISSANCE, R SEVEN) arriving into Auckland in late evening sunshine from Tauranga.
Built by Chantiers De L’Atlantique in St.... Date: 20 January 2023 Image ID 12845
9. AZAMARA QUEST (2000/30277gt/2700dwt/IMO 9210218. Ex-BLUE MOON, DELPHIN RENAISSANCE, R SEVEN) arriving into Auckland in late evening sunshine from Tauranga.
Built by Chantiers De L’Atlantique in St.... Date: 20 January 2023 Image ID 12846
10. AZAMARA QUEST (2000/30277gt/2700dwt/IMO 9210218. Ex-BLUE MOON, DELPHIN RENAISSANCE, R SEVEN) arriving into Auckland in late evening sunshine from Tauranga.
Built by Chantiers De L’Atlantique in St.... Date: 20 January 2023 Image ID 12847
11. AZAMARA QUEST (2000/30277gt/2700dwt/IMO 9210218. Ex-BLUE MOON, DELPHIN RENAISSANCE, R SEVEN) arriving into Auckland in late evening sunshine from Tauranga.
Built by Chantiers De L’Atlantique in St.... Date: 20 January 2023 Image ID 12848