Found 23 images - page 1, images 1 to 23. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA, Scrapped 2017) berthed in Flam, Norway. Date: September 2012 Image ID 8200
2. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) alongside at Stavanger, Norway during a recent cruise to the Norwegian fjords. Date: September 2012 Image ID 8201
3. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) berthed in Flam, Norway. Date: September 2012 Image ID 8202
4. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) arriving Auckland, New Zealand for her maiden visit. THIS IMAGE IS UNAVAILABLE. Date: 13 March 2011 Image ID 6841
5. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) arriving Auckland, New Zealand for her maiden visit. THIS IMAGE IS UNAVAILABLE. Date: 13 March 2011 Image ID 6842
6. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) inbound at Auckland, New Zealand for her maiden call. THIS IMAGE IS UNAVAILABLE. Date: 13 March 2011 Image ID 6843
7. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) on her maiden call, is swung prior to berthing at Princes Wharf in Auckland, New Zealand. THIS IMAGE IS... Date: 13 March 2011 Image ID 6844
8. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) on her maiden call to Auckland, New Zealand, alongside at the Princes Wharf cruise ship berth. THIS IMAGE IS... Date: 13 March 2011 Image ID 6845
9. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) berthed at Southampton's City Cruise Terminal. Date: 7 April 2009 Image ID 5364
10. SAGA RUBY (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-CARONIA, VISTAFJORD. Renamed OASIA. Scrapped 2017) bathed in early morning sunshine as she arrives in Melbourne, Australia. Date: 3 March 2007 Image ID 3801
11. ORIANA (1995/69153grt/IMO 9050137. Renamed PIANO LAND in 2019) arriving in Southampton, England soon after sunrise as CARONIA (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-VISTAFJORD. Renamed SAGA RUBY, later OASIA.... Date: 18 May 2000 Image ID 1518
12. ALBATROS (1957/24803grt/IMO 5347245, ex-DAWN PRINCESS, FAIRWIND, SITMAR FAIRWIND, SYLVANIA. Renamed GENOA) passes the berthed CARONIA (1973/24494grt/IMO 7214715, ex-VISTAFJORD. Renamed SAGA RUBY, then... Date: May 2000 Image ID 1256
13. CARONIA (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-VISTAFJORD. Renamed SAGA RUBY in 2005 later OASIA. Scrapped 2017), Southampton, England. Date: 2000 Image ID 1337
14. CARONIA (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-VISTAFJORD. Renamed SAGA RUBY in 2005, later OASIA. Scrapped 2017), Southampton, England. Date: 2000 Image ID 1338
15. CARONIA (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-VISTAFJORD. Renamed SAGA RUBY in 2005, later OASIA. Scrapped 2017), Southampton, England. The Howard Smith tug FLYING KESTREL (1976/243grt/IMO 7528491. Renamed... Date: 2000 Image ID 7219
16. CARONIA (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-VISTAFJORD. Renamed SAGA RUBY in 2005 then later OASIA. Scrapped 2017) arrives at dawn in Southampton on her maiden call after a voyage from Liverpool. Date: December 1999 Image ID 1335
17. CARONIA (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-VISTAFJORD. Renamed SAGA RUBY in 2005 later OASIA. Scrapped 2017) on her maiden call at Southampton, berths astern of QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 (1969/70327grt/IMO... Date: December 1999 Image ID 1336
18. CARONIA (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715, ex-VISTAFJORD. Renamed SAGA RUBY in 2005, later OASIA. Scrapped 2017) on her maiden call at Southampton, berths astern of QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 (1969/70327grt/IMO... Date: December 1999 Image ID 7354
19. VISTAFJORD (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715. Renamed CARONIA in 1999 then SAGA RUBY in 2005 and later OASIA. Scrapped 2017) at sunset, passing Calshot at the entrance to Southampton Water, UK. Date: 1998 Image ID 7052
20. VISTAFJORD (1973/24492grt/IMO. Renamed CARONIA in 1999 then SAGA RUBY in 2005 and later OASIA. Scrapped 2017) at sunset, passes Black Jack buoy off Calshot outbound from Southampton Water, UK. Date: 1998 Image ID 7059
21. VISTAFJORD (1973/24492grt/IMO. Renamed CARONIA in 1999 then SAGA RUBY in 2005 and later OASIA. Scrapped 2017) at sunset, passing Calshot at the entrance to Southampton Water, UK. Date: 1998 Image ID 7060
22. VISTAFJORD (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715. Renamed CARONIA in 1999, then SAGA RUBY in 2005 and later OASIA. Scrapped 2017) passing Calshot on Southampton Water, under grey skies. Date: 1997 Image ID 1776
23. VISTAFJORD (1973/24492grt/IMO 7214715. Renamed CARONIA in 1999, then SAGA RUBY in 2005 and later OASIA. Scrapped 2017) passing Calshot on Southampton Water, under grey skies. Date: 1997 Image ID 7146