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1. TRANS FUTURE 5 (2005/60414grt/IMO 9326079) passes a somewhat bizarre art installation on Devonport's Victoria Wharf as she leaves Auckland bound for Lyttelton. Date: 20 February 2023 Image ID 12897
2. GRAND QUEST (1999/50309grt/16702dwt/IMO 9181479) sailing from Auckland bound for Osaka, Japan passes the inbound TRANS FUTURE 5 (2005/60414grt/IMO 9326079) arriving from Melbourne, Australia. GRAND... Date: 23 June 2016 Image ID 10501
3. TRANS FUTURE 5 (2005/60414grt/IMO 9326079) inbound to Auckland, NZ. Date: 26 August 2008 Image ID 4855
4. TRANS FUTURE 5 (2005/60414grt/IMO 9326079) inbound Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 22 June 2006 Image ID 3434