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1. SAN NIKUNAU - a tuna vessel operated by Sanford Fisheries of Auckland, lays alongside at Auckland's Viaduct Basin for a period of routine maintenance and preparation for heading to sea. The company... Date: 18 October 2012 Image ID 8240
2. BAILEY B (1976/633grt/IMO 7405974, ex-TOLEMA 1), a former bunkering tanker at Auckland, and SAN NIKUNAU, Sanford Fisheries tuna vessel, alongside at Viaduct Basin, Auckland. Date: 4 August 2012 Image ID 8113
3. SAN NIKUNAU - a tuna vessel operated by Sanford Fisheries of Auckland, lays alongside at Auckland's Viaduct Basin for a period of routine maintenance. The company was recently fined in the US courts... Date: 4 August 2012 Image ID 8117