Found 3 images - page 1, images 1 to 3. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. GARNET ACE (2010/60148grt/18740dwt/IMO 9476769) entering Aucklands' Waitemata Harbour for her maiden call at the port. Date: 23 July 2012 Image ID 8094
2. GARNET ACE (2010/60148grt/18740dwt/IMO 9476769) berthing in Auckland, New Zealand to begin her maiden call. She is assisted by the tug WAIPAPA. Date: 23 July 2012 Image ID 8095
3. WAIPAPA (2000/338grt/IMO 9212072) assisted by WAKA KUME, berth the vehicle carrier GARNET ACE at the beginning of her maiden call at Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 23 July 2012 Image ID 8096