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Found 3 images - page 1, images 1 to 3. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. CELTIC KING (1999/4015grt/IMO 9182552. Renamed EMILY BORCHARD, CELTIC KING) arriving in Southampton as the outbound NYK CASTOR (1998/76847grt/IMO 9152284) approaches her near the Town Quay ferry... Date: 24 February 2000 Image ID 366
2. CELTIC KING (1999/4015grt/IMO 9182552. Renamed EMILY BORCHARD, CELTIC KING) showing signs of an impact, arrives in Southampton, England. Laid up 20012. Date: 24 February 2000 Image ID 367
3. CELTIC KING (1999/4015grt/IMO 9182552. Renamed EMILY BORCHARD, CELTIC KING) arriving in Southampton, England. Laid up 2012. Date: 24 February 2000 Image ID 368