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1. LAUST MAERSK (2001/50721grt/63000dwt/IMO 9190743) outbound from Auckland bound for Lyttelton passes the inbound VEGA AURIGA (2006/9981grt/11809dwt/IMO 9347786, ex-MEDBAY, MMC SINAG. Renamed HANSE... Date: 5 June 2014 Image ID 9603
2. VEGA AURIGA (2006/9981grt/11809dwt/IMO 9347786, ex-MEDBAY, MMC SINAG. Renamed HANSE RELIANCE in 2014, then DP ABILITY, CONTSHIP MAX) arriving in Auckland from Noumea, New Caledonia. Date: 5 June 2014 Image ID 9598
3. VEGA AURIGA (2006/9981grt/11809dwt/IMO 9347786, ex-MEDBAY, MMC SINAG. Renamed HANSE RELIANCE in 2014, then DP ABILITY, then CONTSHIP MAX) arriving in Auckland from Noumea, New Caledonia. Date: 5 June 2014 Image ID 9599