Found 6 images - page 1, images 1 to 6. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. CSAV RANQUIL (2008/36007grt/IMO 9346005, ex-NORTHERN DELEGATION. To be renamed NYK LYTTELTON) arrives in port in Auckland, New Zealand as SOUTHERN LILY 2 (2003/13497grt/IMO 9278909, ex-KOTA HENING)... Date: 12 March 2012 Image ID 7779
2. CSAV RANQUIL (2008/36007grt/IMO 9346005, ex-NORTHERN DELEGATION. To be renamed NYK LYTTELTON) arrives in port in Auckland, New Zealand as SOUTHERN LILY 2 (2003/13497grt/IMO 9278909, ex-KOTA HENING)... Date: 12 March 2012 Image ID 7780
3. CSAV RANQUIL (2008/36007grt/IMO 9346005, ex-NORTHERN DELEGATION. To be renamed NYK LYTTELTON) arrives in port in Auckland, New Zealand. CSAV RANQUIL along with the cruise ship OCEAN PRINCESS were... Date: 12 March 2012 Image ID 7784
4. CSAV RANQUIL (2008/36007grt/IMO 9346005, ex-NORTHERN DELEGATION. To be renamed NYK LYTTELTON) arrives in port in Auckland, New Zealand. CSAV RANQUIL along with the cruise ship OCEAN PRINCESS were... Date: 12 March 2012 Image ID 7785
5. CSAV RANQUIL (2008/36007grt/IMO 9346005, ex-NORTHERN DELEGATION. To be renamed NYK LYTTELTON) arrives in port in Auckland, New Zealand. CSAV RANQUIL along with the cruise ship OCEAN PRINCESS were... Date: 12 March 2012 Image ID 7786
6. CSAV RANQUIL (2008/36007grt/IMO 9346005, ex-NORTHERN DELEGATION. To be renamed NYK LYTTELTON) arrives in port in Auckland, New Zealand as the commuter ferry KEA makes her way across harbour toward the... Date: 12 March 2012 Image ID 7787