Found 9 images - page 1, images 1 to 9. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. MAUI 1 (23), RAKANUI (4), FERRO (33, far right), WAKA KUME (2, left) and CHRISTINE MARY (ex-QS MAPLE - centre) charge off the start line of the 178th Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta tug race). Date: 29 January 2018 Image ID 11166
2. FERRO (33) a former Auckland Harbour Board pilot vessel launched in 1905 (fully restored and relaunched on her 100th birthday back in 2005) takes a slight lead from Thomson Towboats CHRISTINE MARY... Date: 29 January 2018 Image ID 11164
3. FERRO (1905) seen during her first trip since being completely refurbished. The former Auckland Harbour Board pilot launch was re-launched on the 100th anniversary of her original launching. Date: 29 November 2005 Image ID 11140
4. 2016 AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA TUG AND TOWBOAT RACE. FERRO (1905) is a former Auckland harbour Board pilot launch. She was rescued and totally refurbished, being relaunched on 29 November... Date: 1 February 2016 Image ID 10319
5. WILLIAM C. DALDY (1935/348grt/IMO 5390345) - Auckland's preserved steam tug, completes the 2015 Auckland Anniversary Day regatta tug race. In the background are two former Auckland Harbour Board pilot... Date: 26 January 2015 Image ID 9956
6. AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA - Thomson Towings' MANA, built 1959 and the former Auckland Harbour Board tug/pilot boat FERRO (1905). Originally built for the Ferro Cement Co of Auckland, the... Date: 29 January 2007 Image ID 3694
7. AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA - Tug racing - Seen here lining up for the start gun are from top WILLIAM C. DALDY (1935), TAMAKI (1972), the tiny FERRO (1906, with red and blue funnel), CHRISTINE... Date: 29 January 2007 Image ID 3690
8. AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA - Tug racing - AKARANA (1960) a former Auckland Harbour Board pilot launch (left), FERRO (1905) also a former AHB pilot launch and tug and SIERRA (1917, and slightly... Date: 29 January 2007 Image ID 3684
9. FERRO (1905) seen during her first trip since being completely refurbished. The former Auckland Harbour Board pilot launch was re-launched on the 100th anniversary of her original launching. Date: 29 November 2005 Image ID 2658