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1. BIG BUD - Built by Pacific Motor Yachts of Whangarei, NZ to a design by T. C. Watson and launched in 2003. She was built to a commercial design but was fitted out as a luxury expedition yacht for her... Date: 10 September 2022 Image ID 12746
2. 2016 AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA TUG AND TOWBOAT RACE. It's full power on as the competitors cross the start line. The free-for-all race sees tugs and towboats, new and old and of all shapes and... Date: 1 February 2016 Image ID 10350
3. 2016 AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA TUG AND TOWBOAT RACE. Crossing the start line L-R are: WILLIAM C. DALDY (1935/348grt/IMO 5390345), TUNA (built 1938), WAINUI, BIG BUD (2003), KORAKI (yellow,... Date: 1 February 2016 Image ID 10349
4. 2016 AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA TUG AND TOWBOAT RACE. They're off! The bow of TURIHAUA (1977/104grt/IMO 7532040) inches ahead of BIG BUD and WAINUI. Date: 1 February 2016 Image ID 10348
5. 2016 AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA TUG AND TOWBOAT RACE. STIRLING edges ahead of STRATHALLAN, WAINUI, BIG BUD and CAPRICORN ALPHA (2011/196grt/164dwt/IMO 9608879, ex-MITRA CATUR 8), obscured). Date: 1 February 2016 Image ID 10345
6. 2016 AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA TUG AND TOWBOAT RACE. BIG BUD (launched 2003), a first-time entrant and the most luxurious vessel to take part. Date: 1 February 2016 Image ID 10330
7. 2016 AUCKLAND ANNIVERSARY DAY REGATTA TUG AND TOWBOAT RACE. WILLIAM C. DALDY (1935/348grt/IMO 5390345), BIG BUD (left) and MAHIA (1970/34grt) take a breather moments after crossing the finish line.
Date: 1 February 2016 Image ID 10318