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1. MOPA WONSILD (1974/1780grt/IMO 7365576, ex-BENVENUE. renamed MIE WONSILD, CEIBO) inbound to Southampton, England makes her way through the Cowes Week yachting race fleet. She is now Uraguay-flagged... Date: August 1996 Image ID 2271
2. MOPA WONSILD (1974/1780grt/IMO 7365576, ex-BENVENUE. Renamed MIE WONSILD, CEIBO) inbound to Southampton, England during Cowes Week regatta. She is now Uraguay-flagged and sails as CEIBO. Date: August 1996 Image ID 2270
3. MOPA WONSILD (1974/1780grt/IMO 7365576, ex-BENVENUE. Renamed MIE WONSILD, CEIBO) inbound to Southampton, at Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. She is now Uraguay-flagged, sailing as CEIBO) Date: August 1996 Image ID 2269