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1. BELLAVIA (2005/53807grt/66478dwt/IMO 9290440/5028TEU, ex-ANL GEELONG) appears to be kite-surfing her way into Auckland. Built by Hyundai Heavy Industries of Ulsan, S. Korea, she is owned and managed... Date: 2 June 2021 Image ID 12441
2. BELLAVIA (2005/53807grt/66478dwt/IMO 9290440/5028TEU, ex-ANL GEELONG) passes Torpedo Bay wharf as she arrives into Auckland. Date: 2 June 2021 Image ID 12440
3. BELLAVIA (2005/53807grt/66478dwt/IMO 9290440/5028TEU, ex-ANL GEELONG) - the 294m container ship sails out of Auckland en-route to Lyttelton following her maiden call at The City of Sails. Built by... Date: 2 August 2020 Image ID 12083