Found 3 images - page 1, images 1 to 3. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. LARS MAERSK (2004/50657grt/62994dwt/IMO 9294379) arrives in Auckland from Brisbane, Australia for her maiden call. Things became rather congested at the port as Lars Maersk had to wait for a heavily... Date: 14 May 2014 Image ID 9561
2. OLUF MAERSK (2003/34202grt/41028dwt/IMO 9251626) - heavily laden, outbound from Auckland for Sydney, Australia. The ferry QUICKCAT passes by outbound to Waiheke Island. Date: 14 May 2014 Image ID 9564
3. OLUF MAERSK (2003/34202grt/41028dwt/IMO 9251626) loading at Auckland's Fergusson Container Terminal prior to sailing for Sydney. Date: 9 December 2014 Image ID 9890