Found 3 images - page 1, images 1 to 3. Click on an image for a larger display.
1. ASIAN LEGEND (1996/55680grt/IMO 9122942. Renamed GLOVIS COMET) - taking the lines ashore as she berths in Southampton, England for her maiden call. Date: July 1999 Image ID 2387
2. ASIAN LEGEND (1996/55680grt/IMO 9122942. Renamed GLOVIS COMET), maiden call at Southampton, England. Date: July 1999 Image ID 2388
3. ASIAN LEGEND (1996/55680grt/IMO 9122942. Renamed GLOVIS COMET) off Cowes, Isle of Wight, inbound to Southampton. Date: 25 July 2012 Image ID 8135