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1. ILE DE RE (1982/14091grt/IMO 8200278, ex-PREROW, GLEICHBERG, CITY OF DUBLIN) makes a rare and extended visit to Auckland, NZ. Date: 25 April 2007 Image ID 3926
2. ILE DE RE (1982/14091grt/IMO 8200278, ex-PREROW, GLEICHBERG, CITY OF DUBLIN) outbound from Auckland, NZ bound for Noumea, New Caledonia. Date: 4 June 2007 Image ID 3996
3. RADIANCE OF THE SEAS (2001/90090gt/IMO 9195195) eases away from her Wynyard Wharf berth in Auckland at the end of her maiden call. Outbound to Sydney, Australia she dwarfed the French-flagged cable... Date: 12 October 2011 Image ID 7083