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1. AFRICAN PELICAN (2015/21532grt/34365dwt/IMO 9692789) - commissioned on 27 January this year, arriving in misty rain in Auckland from Melbourne for her maiden call. She is owned and managed by MUR... Date: 5 April 2015 Image ID 10048
2. AFRICAN PELICAN (2015/21532grt/34365dwt/IMO 9692789) - commissioned on 27 January this year, arriving in misty rain in Auckland from Melbourne for her maiden call. She is owned and managed by MUR... Date: 5 April 2015 Image ID 10049
3. AFRICAN PELICAN (2015/21532grt/34365dwt/IMO 9692789) - commissioned on 27 January this year, sails from Melbourne, Australia bound for Auckland, New Zealand. She is owned and managed by MUR Shipping... Date: 31 March 2015 Image ID 10050