7301. PARSIFAL (2011/75251grt/43878dwt/IMO 9515395) - Wallenius Wilhelmsen's Series 5 PCTC (pure car and truck carrier) sporting her recently introduced green and grey livery, inbound to Auckland. Date: 31 January 2019 Image ID 11609
7302. PARSIFAL (2011/75251grt/43878dwt/IMO 9515395) - Wallenius Wilhelmsen's Series 5 PCTC (pure car and truck carrier) sporting her recently introduced green and grey livery, inbound to Auckland. Date: 31 January 2019 Image ID 11610
7303. PARSIFAL (2011/75251grt/43878dwt/IMO 9515395) - Wallenius Wilhelmsen's Series 5 PCTC (pure car and truck carrier) sporting her recently introduced green and grey livery, inbound to Auckland, passes... Date: 31 January 2019 Image ID 11611
7304. PARSIFAL (2011/75251gt/43878dwt/IMO 9515395) arriving from Manzanillo, Mexico. PARSIFAL was built by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding of Yokohama, she is owned by Wallenius Lines of Stockholm, Sweden, operated... Date: 9 June 2022 Image ID 12594
7305. PASHA BULKER (2006/40042grt/IMO 9317729) stuck hard aground at Nobby's Beach, near Newcastle, NSW, Australia after being driven ashore during horrendous storms and high winds. All crew were airlifted... Date: 9 June 2007 Image ID 4000
7306. PASHA BULKER (2006/40042grt/IMO 9317729) stuck hard aground at Nobby's Beach, near Newcastle, NSW, Australia after being driven ashore during horrendous storms and high winds. All crew were airlifted... Date: 9 June 2007 Image ID 9720
7307. PASHA BULKER (2006/40042grt/IMO 9317729) stuck hard aground at Nobby's Beach, near Newcastle, NSW, Australia after being driven ashore during horrendous storms and high winds. All crew were airlifted... Date: 9 June 2007 Image ID 10279
7308. PASSAMA (2021/47053gt/12806dwt/IMO 9491874. Renamed VIKING PASSAMA in 2022) a Gibraltar-registered car carrier currently on charter to Armacup, seen arriving from Brisbane for her maiden call at... Date: 22 July 2021 Image ID 12210
7309. PASSAMA (2021/47053gt/12806dwt/IMO 9491874. Renamed VIKING PASSAMA in 2022) a Gibraltar-registered car carrier currently on charter to Armacup, seen arriving from Brisbane for her maiden call at... Date: 22 July 2021 Image ID 12376
7310. PASSAT SPRING (2006/32322grt/IMO 9316359. Renamed BOMAR SPRING) - sails from Auckland, New Zealand following her maiden call at the port. Date: 27 November 2006 Image ID 3580
7311. PASSAT SPRING (2006/32322grt/IMO 9316359. Renamed BOMAR SPRING) - A Polish-built, German-owned containership seen here outbound from the Port of Auckland, New Zealand following her maiden call. Date: 27 November 2006 Image ID 3581
7312. PASSAT SUMMER (2005/32200grt/39008dwt/IMO 9316335/2732TEU, ex-PASSAT BREEZE, CSAV MORUMBI) outbound from Auckland's Fergusson Container Terminal en-route for Brisbane, Australia.
She is owned and... Date: 15 January 2017 Image ID 10822
7313. PATRICIA (1982/2639grt/IMO 8003632) a buoy/lighthouse vessel operated by Trinity House, flies the Royal Standard as she passes P&O Cruises' AZURA (2010/115055grt/IMO 9424883) at Southampton. Princess... Date: 3 July 2012 Image ID 8072
7314. PATRICIA SCHULTE (2006/28592gt/IMO 9294185) departs Auckland NZ bound for the port of Napier. Date: 12 January 2011 Image ID 6663
7315. PATRICIA SCHULTE (2006/28592gt/IMO 9294185) departs Auckland NZ bound for the port of Napier. Date: 12 January 2011 Image ID 6664
7316. PATRICIA SCHULTE (2006/28592gt/IMO 9294185) arriving in Auckland from the port of Timaru before sailing next morning for Tanjong Pelepas. Date: 17 September 2014 Image ID 9725
7317. PATRICIA SCHULTE (2006/28592gt/IMO 9294185) arriving in Auckland from the port of Timaru before sailing next morning for Tanjong Pelepas. Date: 17 September 2014 Image ID 9726
7318. PATRICIAN, a Stewart 34 design, on a beat up Auckland's Waitemata Harbour. Date: January 2010 Image ID 8126
7319. Chandris liner PATRIS (1950/18400grt/IMO 5271836) approaching Aden. Built as BLOEMFONTEIN CASTLE for Union Castle Line. Sold to Chandris Lines and renamed PATRIS in 1959. Date: 18 May 1966 Image ID 4803
7320. PAUL GAUGUIN (1997/19170gt/IMO 9111319) receiving bunkers at Auckland, NZ from the tanker AWANUIA. Date: 21 November 2010 Image ID 6577
7321. PAX SILVA (2007/39802gt/IMO 9316919) - a wood chip carrier at the Melbourne anchorage, Australia. Date: 16 November 2009 Image ID 6209
7322. PB COOK (1994/456gt/IMO 9105255, ex-COOK) - a Cook Islands-flagged PB Towage tug manoeuvring in Auckland Harbour. Date: 11 September 2010 Image ID 6446
7323. PB COOK (1994/456gt/IMO 9105255, ex-COOK) - a Cook Islands-flagged PB Towage tug manoeuvring off Bledisloe Container Terminal, Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 11 September 2010 Image ID 6447
7324. PB COOK (1994/456gt/IMO 9105255, ex-COOK) - a Cook Islands-flagged PB Towage tug manoeuvring off Bledisloe Container Terminal, Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 11 September 2010 Image ID 6448
7325. PB KATEA (2001/254gt/IMO 9259654, ex-KATEA, TANGKAS) - a Cook Islands-flagged PB Towage tug alongside Wynyard Wharf, Auckland, New Zealand. Date: 29 August 2010 Image ID 6382
7326. PEARL ACE (1994/45796gt/IMO 9051818) arriving in Auckland, New Zealand for her maiden call. Date: 26 July 2010 Image ID 6349
7327. PEARL ACE (1994/45796gt/IMO 9051818) arriving in Auckland, New Zealand for her maiden call. Date: 26 July 2010 Image ID 6351
7328. PEARL ACE (1994/45796gt/IMO 9051818) berthing in Auckland, New Zealand for her maiden call. Date: 26 July 2010 Image ID 6352
7329. PEARL ACE (1994/45796gt/IMO 9051818) off North Head, inbound at Auckland from Kobe, Japan. Date: 13 October 2014 Image ID 9778
7330. PEBBLE BEACH (2013/24195grt/37003dwt/IMO 9595979) alongside at Auckland's Freyberg Wharf after arriving earlier in the day from San Lorenzo, Argentina. She is owned and managed by Evalend Shipping of... Date: 31 October 2017 Image ID 11096
7331. PEDRO MIGUEL LOCKS, PANAMA - at the southern end of the Culebra (renamed Gaillard) Cut as viewed from the liner FLAVIA (1947/15495grt/IMO 5116139, ex-MEDIA. Renamed FLAVIAN, LAVIA). Gold Hill, the... Date: July 1967 Image ID 1830
7332. PEDRO MIGUEL LOCKS, PANAMA CANAL - at the southern end of the Culebra (Gaillard) Cut. Taken from aboard the Cogedar liner FLAVIA. Date: July 1967 Image ID 1831
7333. PEGASUS (2009/1150grt/14756dwt/IMO 9387592, ex-JRS PEGASUS, CCL MOJI, FIVELDIJK) outbound from Hamburg. Owned and managed by Buss Shipping of Hamburg, Germany. Date: 15 July 2019 Image ID 11880
7334. PEGASUS ACE (1998/36893gt/14348dwt/IMO 9150341) inbound to Auckland from Suva passing Torpedo Bay, Devonport.
She is owned and operated by Mitsui OSK Lines and managed by MOLSHIP all of Tokyo. Date: 7 January 2024 Image ID 13324
7335. PEGASUS BAY (1978/52055grt/IMO 7510896, ex- CITY OF DURBAN, ACT 8, PORTLAND BAY, AG WESER) inbound to Auckland, NZ for the final time before being scrapped. Date: 27 September 2002 Image ID 682
7336. PEGASUS BAY (1978/52055grt/IMO 7510896, ex- CITY OF DURBAN, ACT 8, PORTLAND BAY, AG WESER) arrives in Aucklands' Waitemata Harbour for the last time before being scrapped. Date: 27 September 2002 Image ID 683
7337. PEGASUS BAY (1978/52055grt/IMO 7510896, ex-CITY OF DURBAN, ACT 8, PORTLAND BAY, AG WESER) in drydock at the A&P shipyard in Southampton, England. Date: May 1999 Image ID 2666
7338. PEGASUS BAY (1978/52055grt/IMO 7510896, ex- CITY OF DURBAN, ACT 8, PORTLAND BAY, AG WESER) inbound to Auckland, NZ for the final time before being scrapped. Date: 27 September 2002 Image ID 6676
7339. PEGASUS BAY (1978/52055grt/IMO 7510896, ex- CITY OF DURBAN, ACT 8, PORTLAND BAY, AG WESER) outbound from Auckland, NZ with the tug WAIPAPA assisting. Date: 2001 Image ID 6677
7340. PEKIN (2016/24785gt/39777dwt/ IMO 9721566) - owned and managed by China Navigation Co. Ltd, discharges at Freyberg Wharf. Date: 17 February 2021 Image ID 12211
7341. PELAYO (1995/4268grt/IMO 9109079, ex- CITY OF OPORTO, JANE, GUDRUN. Renamed GUDRUN in 2004. Later converted to a livestock carrier and named ZAD ELKHIR) passes Calshot, inbound to Southampton, UK. Date: April 2000 Image ID 687
7342. PELAYO (1995/4268grt/IMO 9109079, ex-CITY OF OPORTO, JANE, GUDRUN. Renamed GUDRUN in 2004. Later converted to a livestock carrier and named ZAD ELKHIR) passes Calshot Spit, outbound from Southampton,... Date: November 1999 Image ID 688
7343. PELICAN OF LONDON (ex-KADETT, ex-PELICAN) - alongside in Weymouth Harbour, Dorset, England, her home port. Built in 1948 in Le Havre, France, she is the worlds' only mainmast barquentine and operates... Date: 13 September 2012 Image ID 8681
7344. PELICAN OF LONDON (ex-KADETT, ex-PELICAN) - alongside in Weymouth Harbour, Dorset, England, her home port. Built in 1948 in Le Havre, France, she is the worlds' only mainmast barquentine and operates... Date: 13 September 2012 Image ID 8682
7345. PENDEEN LIGHTHOUSE, CORNWALL, ENGLAND - Commissioned 26 September 1900. 17m tower. 59m above mean high water. ElectrifTrinity Houseied in 1926. Automated in 1995. 150,000 candela. Range 16 nautical... Date: 1996 Image ID 4777
7346. PENELOPE (1975/11335grt/IMO 7400261, ex-PENOLOPE, PENELOPE A) seen here in the channel between Aghios Stefanos on the island of Corfu and the coast of Albania. Date: 3 May 2009 Image ID 5387
7347. PENELOPE (2008/32269grt/38635dwt/IMO 9415296, ex-CSAV TOTORAL) departs Auckland's Fergusson Container Terminal at the end of her maiden call bound for Brisbane, Australia. She is owned by... Date: 22 May 2016 Image ID 10469
7348. PENG HU WAN (2008/5569grt/IMO 9469314) inbound to Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Date: 29 May 2009 Image ID 5414
7349. PEREGRINE (2001/28647gt/IMO 9228150, ex-SEA BEAUTY) outbound from Auckland, New Zealand, turns to starboard into stiff northerly winds as she passes A-buoy at the outer limit of the port's main... Date: 10 August 2009 Image ID 5784
7350. PEREGRINE - desperately in need of a hull scrape, yachts pitch violently in the teeth of westerly gales at Birkenhead, Auckland. Date: 19 October 2012 Image ID 8230
7351. PERLA (1994/5965grt/IMO 9084671, ex-PANAM PERLA. Renamed SICHEM PEARL) berthing with assistance of the Ports of Auckland tug WAKA KUME (2000/338grt/IMO 9212084). Date: July 2002 Image ID 2275